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Antibiotics regimen order

by Myriame

You receive a prescription for amoxicillin 100 mg QID X10 days. In stock, you have 250mg/5ml formula. How many ml do you need to dispense for this prescription order to last the full ten days?

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by: Anonymous

80 mls to be exact but you would use a 100ml bottle

Antibiotics regimen order
by: Anonymous

1oomg qid × 10days in stock,you have 250mg/5ml formula. How many more you need to dispense for this prescription.?

by: sohni

Given: 250mg/5ml
Needs: 100mg/(x)

So, first you'll solve the quantity needed per day and then multiply by the number for days it asks for.


250mg/5ml= 100mg/(x)
Milligrams will cancel out and you'll end
up with 2ml per day.
Now, multiply 2ml with four times a day for ten days:
2mlx 4 (times a day) x 10days = 80ml
So, the final answer is 80ml.

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