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Clark's Rule

by Confused

"An 8 year old girl was prescribed a particular drug with an adult dosage of 2.75mg/kg. The recommended dosage for children 5-12 years old is 80% of the adult dosage.If the child weighs 75 lbs, how much would her dosage be?"

Would you use Clark's rule for the question? And if so, how would you go about that with kg/lbs? I'm not sure how/if you convert the kgs to lbs or vice-versa for this equation. Thank you.

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Children's dosage
by: Anonymous

NO, you would not use Clark's or Young's rule. Just use the directions right in the question.

All you have to do is figure out what the dosage would be (if it were for an adult), and then multiply it by 80%.

1. Convert weight to Kg

75Lb = 34Kg

2. Figure adult dosage

2.75(mg)/(34)kg = 93.5mg

3. Multiply that by 80%

93.5mg X 0.80 = 74.8mg

IMPORTANT: If the question never mentions Clarks / Young's rule, then you probably wont be using it for the problem.

by: Anonymous

What happens to the formula for clark's rule:
Adult dose X (weight/150)?

Children's Dosage answer kind off or something
by: Brittney W.- Pharmacy Technician 2015

The person who answered with children's dosage, I don't understand where you got that 93. something from but I ended up with the same answer of 74.8mg.

Here's what I did:

Found the weight in kg
75÷2.2=34.09 (rounded 34kg)

Then found 80% of 2.75mg/kg

Then multiplied the 2.2 by the weight in kg

Think I did everything right???

ANSWER: 74.8mg

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