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Compounding dosage calculation

by Cari
(Buffalo )

Penicillin comes in powder form that must be dissolved prior to use. A vial containing 20 million units of penicillin can be reconstituted with 32.4mL of sterile water for injection to provide 500,000 U/mL. What volume of the reconstituted product must be used to make a dose that requires 6 million units of penicillin

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by: Anonymous


Reconstitution answer
by: Brad Wojcik, Pharm D

After the vial is reconstituted with the 32.4 mL the concentration is 500,000 U/mL. (FYI, the total volume after reconstitution would be 40 mL, but that does not matter.)
You are starting with 6,000,000 U and have to change that to mL using the ratio of 500,000 U/mL.
6,000,000 U (1 mL/500,000 U) = 12 mL

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