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Free Study Material for PTCB Exam

by Jim
(Bridgeport, CT)

I prepared for the 2016 PTCB exam using the study materials here. I was doing well on the practice tests, so I figured I would do well on the test. I was in a very positive frame of mind as well. I went to the testing center and took the exam on March 4th of this year. I was in such a positive frame of mind that I would be successful that failing was was inconceivable to me. I answered all the questions, and thought I had scored high enough to pass. I was devastated to learn that the preliminary results shown on the screen at the testing center said that I had failed. This was my first time taking the test. Has failing the test on the first try happened to anyone before after using the study materials here? Also, how do you bounce back from being unsuccessful on the test? Thanks.

Comments for Free Study Material for PTCB Exam

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by: Anaana

You can try again.

next time
by: Anonymous

there is always net time:)
I believe in you !

Try again, but this time...
by: Dallas, TX

Try expanding your study material to include 2-3 books recommended on this site. There's even a free PDF download book. The author recommends that every self-study student uses 2-3 books along with additional online resources. This will help you become will rounded in the variety of potential subjects you will encounter. Hope that helps. Also, click every link on this site and read all of it from top to bottom to get the most from the site.

Best Regards,

try and try
by: Anonymous

Your biggest advantage is now knowing the specific questions and format that they are asking it in.. what category questions were you unsure of? you can tailor your study to that...

also compare it to the practice tests here... if this was too easy then you should look at other practice exams..

I passed using mosby's pharmacy tech .. it wasn't a good book but i got the access code which gave me practice exams that broke it down which I believe helped more than the book did

More concise studying than trying to learn everything!

Keep your chin up
by: Elizabeth

I took my test on 7/14/16. I studied from a mosbys book that was published in 2006. So you do not need to find an expensive book to pass this exam. Most of the questions are not straight forward. You have to think and exclude the wrong answers. My old book came with a cd. The week before the test I would take 90 questions and time myself. I made sure that I gave my self time to try to answer all of the questions. This was to help me prepare for the time aspect. I finished the PTCE with 20 minutes left. Do not spend all of your time reading a whole book. Read up on the sections you know you need to work on. Know the math, abbreviation,top 200 drugs, and LAWS! I cant stress the laws enough. Download the quizlet app to your phone. look up and save the top 200 drugs and pharmacy law. Quiz yourself daily. quizlet has options to match, test, and study each. I did a all of these and passed. Good Luck.

Good luck
by: Anonymous

Good luck for next time!

by: Anonymous

Thanks for trying to help

Failing the cert exam the first time
by: Tracy

Despite my 30 yr career in surgery as both a Certified Surgical Technologist and a Certified Anesthesia Tech, after 7 months of evening pharmacy tech classes and lots of study, I also failed my PTCB exam the first time I took it, I scored 1370.
I was devastated. I've never failed any cert exam before.

I studied hard for 15 more weeks,took exam yesterday,and preliminary result is I passed.

Hang in there, and have a structured textbook study schedule that is balanced. I also found the learning site Quizlet very helpful, you can play fun games that help you learn. I also bought a great used pharmacy math book from Amazon called Complete Math Review for Pharmacy Techs by William A. Hopkins

Good Luck!
by: Anonymous

Good Luck on everything

by: Anonymous

Never give up

dont give up
by: Anonymous

I'm trying to study too, hopefully I do great

by: Joi

Same thing happened to me I just knew I was gonna pass on the 1st try I was so angry with myself and the Pharmacy training class I took seems like everything on the exam was nothing I learned in class

by: Anonymous

I'd assumed working in a retail pharmacy I would be able to pass with flying colors. However, there is more clinical strategies on the exam than I anticipated.

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