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Hydrocortisone Compound

by Andrea

30 grams hydrocortisone 2.5% ointment is combined with 15 grams of hydrocortisone 1% ointment. What is the percentage of hydrocortisone in the final product?

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Hydrocortisone compound
by: Brad Wojcik, Pharm D

You first calculate the weight of the HC in each of the two ointments.
30 g oint (2.5 g HC/100 g oint) = 0.75 g HC
15 g oint (1 g HC/100 g oint) = 0.15 g HC
You have a total of 0.9 g HC in a total of 45 g (30 g+ 15 g).
Now change that to a % by multiplying by 100%.
(0.9 g HC/45 g oint) (100%) = 2%

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