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Is Mosby a good book to study?

I've taken the PTCB exam twice and failed both times, and the books I used so far didn't cover much of the questions showed up on the actual exam. I was recommended the Mosby book to study the exam, is it really helpful?

Comments for Is Mosby a good book to study?

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by: Anonymous

If you have prior pharmacy experience, you'll get much of the questions because it is based off of common sense. There are quite a few books out there but it just generalize pharmacy tech role. I only skimmed through the book without going too much detail into it. 80% of my study were based off the PTCB app by pocketprep. I took about 3 days of 8 hours studying each day and took the test on the following day and passed it. 70% of my test were similar on the app but mind you the answer and questions are totally different. 30% of my questions were really based off of common sense. How?
I vaguely remember this questions...

"Once you passed the PTCE and obtained your state license you can have the following on your name."
A)Billy Bob PT
B)Billy Bob ExPT
C)Billy Bob PT Certified
D)Billy Bob CPhT

Passed on 1st attempt
by: Tina

I highly recommend Mosby's review and purchasing the full version of PTCB Pocket prep app for $9.99. The app outlines perfectly with the book and you can manipulate which areas you'd like to study. I studied vigorously for two weeks and it was cake. Good luck!

Even though there are a lot of errors yes
by: Beverly

Yes, very good book, a lot of errors but try to do all the practice exams and read and make notes.
The practice exams in Mosby are similar to the PTCB Exam.
I took my PTCB Exam on 11/20/2017 Passed. My scale score was 1461. Thank you Pharmacy Tech test because I learned a lot form this site especially the Math and Law. Thank you, Thank you for offering us this site.

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