On the job training
by Shirene
I am currently doing on the job training at Walmart. I started 3 months ago, and since I found this site a few weeks ago I am learning more efficiently. It's like second nature to everyone I work with except me. I printed off the book from here and I have to take the test in 4 months. I felt kinda lost till I found this site. I was told I would get all the training I needed to pass the test but there is much to be learned.
I just learned today how to check a DEA number. In 3 weeks I need to be ready for input. Any suggestions you have, please send them to me. So I have 4 months to prepare and the rest of my life to continue to improve. Thank you so much everyone. How far in advance can you schedule a test? Any suggestions on how I can learn I'm all ears. I don't have facebook. So asking here.