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PTCB master exam question

by Jen

Can I print the score report page up to study from ?

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Practice tests score report
by: Jerry

The paid Pharmacy Tech practice tests include a score report on completion. It will show you the answers you missed, so you know what areas to study.

You can print that page and use it to personally study with. If you forget to print it, email me through the contact page and I can send you a copy of it in PDF form.

percent %
by: wilbert carroll

Can we get more question dealing with percent% question.

Example: Who much 35% acetic acid must be mixed with 5% acetic acid to give 1000ml of 10% acetic acid.

Example: To prepare 500ml of a 5% dextrose solution, you must use available stock of 2% and 10% dextrose. How much of each available sol. will
you need to prepare the order.

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