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PTCB Scoring

by Jess

So I just took my test I received a 1307 out of 1600 passing score is 1400.... but my question is: is my score bad/good or bad/bad I understand that I didn’t pass. But, I just suck in testing environments and wondered if I could just focus more, or study harder, etc.

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by: Jerry

You will receive a score report that will give you a breakdown of how you did in each of (what the PTCB calls) knowledge domains. With that information, you should be able to see where you need help and then drill down more in those areas.

Once you receive that, come back to this page and let us know what you think of that score report.

No calculator provided
by: Anonymous

Recently took the ptcb test, and scored 1369. I fell down in math. However, I was not provided a calculator. should I protest with testing agency?

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