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Struggling to memorize top 200 drug names

by Moni

My exam date was on 21st of December, but I rescheduled it for the last week of January. I studied really hard but when ever I give the practice online tests, I can not score more than 60 %. I am struggling to memorize the Top 200 drug names, their class and functions. Do you think I made the right decision by rescheduling it . I am feeling very down and want some opinion. I am good in all other area - just struggling with the pharmacology portions. Please help me on how to get ready for that?

Comments for Struggling to memorize top 200 drug names

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by: keda

For the drugs keep taking the PTCB practice test here over and over again until you get it.

by: Tina

Definitely prioritize all other areas such as calculations, laws, sterile compounding, etc. If you feel confident overall, you should do just fine. Generic to brand name is your least concern, I literally had maybe 2 questions relating to it. But if you insist, I recommend Quizlet! There are others who have made flash cards for these and you can study them via matching, multiple choice etc. Good luck!

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