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Tech school or self-study

by ashley

Is it best to self study or actually go to a school?

Once I have studied, memorized and prep myself to take the exam and pass, will there be a chance/guarantee that I can get a job in pharmacy?

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pharmacy technician
by: Anonymous

IF you are interested in working retail, you should figure out what company you want to work for, get a job with them as a pharmacy assistant and learn from their pharmacy technician program- its free- on the job training. You will have to give them 2 years as a tech afterwards or they will expect you to pay them back. You will learn everything you will ever need to know from that company and get hired on as a tech after you pass the exam. Then all you have to do is study hospital material on your own. My suggestion when taking the test is to separate the math portion from the technology section so you could concentrate on one section at a time.
My other suggestion is to work on your typing speed. Most retail companies want fast and efficient typist at 40+ WPM

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