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Think I'll Pass?

by Valerie

My test is on Monday the 25th. I have failed the test once before so Im pretty nervous. I know the laws very well. I know all the basic conversions. Good with the math that I know how to do. Like ratio, proportions and working with the conversions. Any last minute advice as well? Do you think I'll be successful?

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Good Luck
by: Jerry

I think you WILL pass !

Come back here and tell us how you did !

Hope we pass
by: Anonymous

I am in the same position. Failed once and nervous. I know the laws, math and compounding. I have to refresh on drug names-generic with brand and their usage. Good luck! I have waited nearly two years to take it so I am now forgetting stuff I did once know.

good luck!
by: remy

I think you will definitely pass!

touch up on hospital policies and procedures and drug classes! The others (math and generic/brand) will come easy to you.

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